Sunday 8 February 2009

8th Feb 09

I.T. when it works is a truly wonderful thing – my sons thinks I’m a dinosaur when I tell them that I was the bees knees in my office back in the 1980s with an 80 Mb hard drive.

When it works, I can email friends and relatives all over the world. My ex-husband and I have dramatically reduced our phone bills now that he and the boys use Skype and a webcam to keep in touch between the UK and USA. Even my ever patient other half (who doesn’t live with us and travels a lot) frequently helps out with maths homework over Instant Messaging.

Because I, and most of my neighbours, use a wireless connection there is the odd moment at weekends when things are a bit up and down but most of the time it’s fine.

But it’s not like that everywhere locally – particularly in Coton – and it really staggers me that they are so close to Cambridge and yet have such a poor broadband connection.

I’m looking into this as the County Councillor and hope to have an update soon. But until then I can only imagine the frustration of trying to work from home with a service that just drops out with no warning and may not be back until the next day.

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