Saturday 1 November 2008

Day Twenty - Things that go bump in the night!

It’s been bitterly cold out there on the doorstep over the last few days, and thermals have come in very handy this week. But, the very varying issues raised by local inhabitants have been really illuminating. I know of the problems faced in getting to and from local Dr’s Surgeries and the fantastic work done by local volunteer drivers, but was truly shocked to hear of elderly inhabitants having to spend up to £25 for a taxi to be able to do a weekly shop. With the No. 2 service under threat we really need to address the issue of transportation in our villages.

Having canvassed my own village of Caldecote over the last few days I think it’s fair to say that only shock absorber manufactures are happy with the delay in removing the speed thumps!

To set the record straight, the Caldecote Parish Council are currently unable to remove the speed thumps because they have no legal right to do so until the road is adopted. Local residents have been canvassed for their views and the Parish Council are keen to progress on changing the bumps to something more suitable. The road was unadopted whilst the speed thumps were installed and has not subsequently been readopted. This has a knock on effect because you can not adopt a road off an unadopted road and thus the roads on the new housing estates frustratingly remain unadopted. As the domino effect continues, it is harder to insist on enforcement of parking regulations on unadopted roads and so local residents park on pavements and those in prams and wheelchairs have to use the road to get around the obstacles in their way.

Contrary to my elder son’s belief – I am not yet proficient at flying a broomstick – but will be out freezing along with other parents as I supervise those going “treating” tonight (no tricks allowed!).

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