Tuesday 27 January 2009

Jan 27th 09

It was a chilly early morning start that saw Cllr Stewart and I out in The Pastures in Hardwick at 08:00 this morning pressing the Highways Department for something to be done about the treacherous junctions and lack of designated parking spaces. Hopefully we’ll have something concrete to let you know about soon in the form of a safety survey .

Tonight is my last Parish Council meeting of the month (Hardwick) and it’s intriguing to see the very different approaches taken by all of the Councils in the way they run their meetings. Some are quite short – some not so! – but all are one of the best ways of feeding back to me where I need to be following things up for local constituents. Many people have phoned me with issues that they’d like me to raise and almost to a person have apologised for disturbing me. I simply can’t stress enough that I need local people to let me know how I can help them to be able to get things moving. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need help.

From a Shire Hall point of view I’ve spent the afternoon at a Scrutiny Committee looking at the impact of the A14 improvements and how it will affect local villages. In particular the proposed Clay Borrow Pit at Junction 14 of the A14, which I will report back on to the folks of Madingley next week.

It’s a quiet time to sit in Shire Hall as everyone leaves after the meeting and a good opportunity to quietly catch up on some paperwork. I’ll be out pounding the streets of Caldecote on Thursday morning doing a survey of local residents about an improved bus service and also asking them to sign a petition to help speed up removal of the speed bumps (not quite what they are referred to locally!). After the election I was shattered and super fit and have to admit that like almost everyone else post Christmas the exercise and fresh air will be very welcome!

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